Port of Leith Housing Association is mid-way through a project with Invu to digitise more than 50,000 documents, replacing its previous manual process of filing and storing all paper-based documents. The £32,000 project is expected to be completed this summer, and in doing so will free up significant amounts of storage space amounting to 30 metres of shelving and eight filing cabinets of documents.
The decision to move the organisation toward electronic document management was prompted by the need to have access to a mass of documents for efficient service delivery and meet regulatory standards.
Neil Donald, ICT manager, Port of Leith Housing Association, said, “With over 50,000 documents to maintain, it was vital for us to find a system that would make it easier for our staff to retrieve documents quickly. Thanks to the structure in the Invu electronic document management system, the increased control allows us to assign an owner or task to a document, complete with a full audit trail.”
Once Invu’s document management software has been integrated with the housing provider’s existing business applications, staff will be able to manage the confirmation of instruction documents, valuation reports, gas certificates, tenancy agreements and post-management questionnaires without having to spend time searching through reams of documents in either physical cabinets or its Windows-based filing structure.
Donald added, “One of the good things about the Invu document management system is the integration with email. People just don’t realise how much business-critical information is contained within their inboxes these days, and they feel inclined to just keep things there. The email add-on is a great feature for not only filing emails, but also attachments.”