Amicus Horizon is using Microsoft’s Dynamics CRM system to track all interactions with tenants and provide a single view of tenants’ histories and preferences.
The housing provider was previously using its housing management system to capture income and property information, but it lacked the sophistication to track tenant calls or retain personal records.
Chris Roberts, CRM manager, AmicusHorizon, said, “Our housing management system couldn’t tell us how, why, and when tenants were contacting us. Staff need a single view of tenants’ histories and preferences. We have to be in a position to deal with tenants immediately and offer tailored advice, whether we’re in the office or working remotely. Plus it’s vital that case notes go to the right person, are easy to track, and link seamlessly with our other systems.”
With help from Goldcrest Solutions, AmicusHorizon chose Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0. Roberts said, “We wanted a CRM system we could customise, yet be supported by the IT supplier. We looked at some CRM solutions, but they didn’t offer this post-customisation support. Microsoft was happy for us to tailor its system and we’re supported fully by Goldcrest.”
Dynamics CRM was first deployed to AmicusHorizon’s customer experience team which had previously worked with a custom-built in-house system that was difficult to use. The new CRM system has made it easier for them to respond to tenants’ queries because all of the relevant information and call history is now immediately accessible.
AmicusHorizon then rolled out Dynamics CRM in its contact centre, with the contact centre staff using the tenant database in a number of value-adding ways, such as when a tenant calls, the system might highlight an urgent issue.
John Barr, director of customer experience, AmicusHorizon, said, “Creating an active dialogue with tenants is important. Some are reluctant to talk at first so it’s important that we reassure them.
“Furthermore, we’re now much more evidence-based when we reply to tenants. We have accurate, reliable, and up-to-date data at our fingertips.”
iPads running Dynamics CRM were then given to AmicusHorizon’s income collection and financial inclusion teams. They meet tenants face-to-face and use the mobile devices to access real-time tenant information so that staff can update tenant information immediately, with a complete, traceable record accessible to all relevant service staff.
Following the introduction of Dynamics CRM, the number of live complaints has dropped from over 600 to just 44 over 18 months. With access to tenant records at the touch of a button, employees have the tools at their disposal to be more proactive, preventing issues before they escalate. And although the average call length has increased, the ‘first-time fix’ rate has improved from 77 to 93 per cent in the last year.
Barr said, “There’s a trade-off. The more data we collect and the more we use the visual cues to tailor service, the longer the call. But the benefit is a more comprehensive tenant history. This gives a much more positive experience for the caller.”