Wheatley Associates has improved the ‘team jobs’ scheduling function in its Grasp mobile workforce scheduling system with the addition of a new ‘assisted working’ capability that delivers the flexibility needed to handle the variety of collaborative, team-working scenarios needed by housing repairs and maintenance operations.
The new assisted working functionality allows jobs to be marked as potentially requiring assistance, such as working in a hazardous environment, at height or in a high-risk location, or for work requiring heavy lifting or equipment holding.
Assisted working extends the team jobs functionality in Grasp to give planners the opportunity to modify the assisting operative’s job. Typically a works planner could modify the skills required for the assistant, the length of time the assistant is required, and whether the assistant is needed before, during, or after the main job.
Grasp can now also split a single piece of work between multiple workers so that large jobs can be assigned to a team in order to complete the work sooner. This additional flexibility gives planners far greater degree of control over the work they are scheduling.
Lisa Norris, managing director, Wheatley Associates, said, “The new assisted working capability for collaborative and team jobs is designed to meet the increased complexity housing providers face and ensure they can continue to run their mobile workforces at maximum efficiency.”