Torus Group is using Cadcorp’s cloud-based GIS and web-mapping tools to gain a better understanding of its neighbourhoods, housing patches and customer demographics as well as predictive analytics around its future stock improvements and property developments.
To avoid the need for expensive internal IT infrastructure, Torus chose cloud-based versions of Cadcorp SIS Desktop and Cadcorp SIS WebMap. The housing provider then created a GIS SharePoint page where its staff can access, for example, thematic maps showing the locations of embedded assets, growth potential and crime hotspots.
For the Torus property development team, these maps were combined into an overall ‘index of vitality’, with Cadcorp Local Knowledge providing extra context by presenting breakdowns of age groups, bedrooms, tenure, crime rates, unemployment, and scores on how properties are performing.
David Gerwitz, asset planning and data manager, Torus, said, “GIS is fundamental to our operations. Delivering clear and accurate location intelligence is essential to our daily decision-making processes.”
The housing provider’s future GIS-powered projects include the understanding of ‘place’ before and during investment, the propensity for properties and tenants to fall into risk, customer segmentation, and the profiling of new neighbourhood patches.