Cadcorp has developed a visualisation for Microsoft Power BI, allowing an interactive, user-defined map to be embedded into a Power BI report. The visualisation integrates corporate mapping served by Cadcorp SIS WebMap. Users can include their own data overlays to provide additional context for their Power BI business data.
SIS WebMap for Power BI supports Ordnance Survey Great Britain (OSGB) and numerous coordinate reference systems, including those that use latitude and longitude. Data is held in the Power BI environment and linked between the visuals on the report.
Gary Randle, sales director, Cadcorp, said, “More and more Cadcorp SIS users want to integrate their corporate base map and other overlays into Power BI. Cadcorp customers that use the OSGB coordinate reference system will for the first time be able to directly add their data into a Power BI visualisation and include an Ordnance Survey base map.”