Allpay plans to enhance its current online and mobile payments, providing a complete payment gateway solution for housing providers and other organisations. The company, which handles more than £4.5 billion per year on behalf of its customers, already processes over 55 million transactions each year across cash, cards and direct debits, and Allpay’s mobile payment…
Allpay supports payments channel shiftRead More →
Magazine Articles
Universal credit data sharing will help tenants
Following a consultation by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) around the sharing of universal credit claimant information with housing providers, Allpay has commented on some of the findings from the earlier universal credit pilot projects. Ross Macmillan, market intelligence consultant, Allpay, said, “By enabling the DWP to share up-to-date information on who has…
Universal credit data sharing will help tenantsRead More →
North Lanarkshire’s 20% productivity boost with Kirona
Following the first phase of the introduction of Kirona’s mobile working and dynamic job scheduling software to technical officers and tradespersons across its housing service, North Lanarkshire Council has seen a 20 per cent increase in the productivity of its local homes teams. It has also achieved cashable savings in the region of £280,000 per…
North Lanarkshire’s 20% productivity boost with KironaRead More →
Paper cuts that won’t hurt
John Sant, CEO of mobile working specialist Footprint Solutions, explains how housing providers can benefit from moving their processes online to drive efficiencies, cut costs and improve tenant relationships. We are all using more services online; in the same way that you can read the newspaper or organise finances on the internet, tenants increasingly expect…
Paper cuts that won’t hurtRead More →
Orchard expands its presence on CCS frameworks
Orchard has expanded its presence on the Crown Commercial Service’s (CCS) frameworks, offering more procurement choices for existing and potential customers. Orchard has promoted its softwareasaservice offerings via the GCloud framework since 2012 and can now offer its entire portfolio of housing solutions via the Local Authority Software Applications (LASA) RM1059 framework. The Crown Commercial…
Orchard expands its presence on CCS frameworksRead More →
Orchard receives ‘Grand Prix’ Dynamo IT award
Orchard Information Systems’ executive chairman Peter Hunt won the ‘Grand Prix’ award at the Dynamo Dynamites 2014 awards event, which was attended by over 300 representatives from the North East’s IT sector. Dynamo promotes the growth of the IT sector in the North East Region. It is supported by a number of local businesses, public…
Orchard receives ‘Grand Prix’ Dynamo IT awardRead More →