A2Dominion has chosen 1st Touch mobile software to support its income collection teams while also helping tenants understand and adjust to welfare reform changes. Following the introduction of welfare reforms, A2Dominion decided that it needed to implement new proactive processes that could support the collection of income from tenants at the same time as helping…
1st Touch mobilises A2Dominion for welfare reformRead More →
Magazine Articles
1st Touch mobile app helps AmicusHorizon gain £1.7m extra income for tenants
AmicusHorizon has lowered arrears and raised over £1.7m of additional income for tenants by integrating its existing CRM system with a financial inclusion app supplied by 1st Touch. AmicusHorizon wanted a mobile app that would not only support financial inclusion processes in the field, but could also help secure more income for its tenants. 1st…
1st Touch mobile app helps AmicusHorizon gain £1.7m extra income for tenantsRead More →
Footprint lone worker protection at Golden Gates Housing Trust
Footprint Solutions is providing lone workers at Golden Gates Housing Trust with an enhanced personal safety suite to safeguard them while working in the field. The implementation began in January 2014 and was completed by May, and was reported to have cost less than £100,000. Golden Gates is the first housing provider to trial Footprint’s…
Footprint lone worker protection at Golden Gates Housing TrustRead More →
Footprint & Guardian24 partner for lone worker safety
Guardian24 and Footprint Solutions have set up a partnership to address the problem of lone worker safety. Guardian24’s lone worker solution has been integrated with Footprint’s Housing Support Pro workflow solution, a tablet-based mobile and paperless working application for remote workers. John Sant, CEO, Footprint Solutions, said, “This integration is a perfect fit for housing…
Footprint & Guardian24 partner for lone worker safetyRead More →
NDL mobile working accelerates annual repairs at North Hertfordshire Homes
North Hertfordshire Homes has saved 100s of hours of back-office time and reduced by two months the surveying period for its annual repairs programme by introducing mobile working. Its building surveyors are now using NDL’s AWI MX mobile working toolkit on iPads when they inspect properties, eliminating paper forms and enabling the automatic transfer of…
NDL mobile working accelerates annual repairs at North Hertfordshire HomesRead More →
Arcon texts with Omniledger
Arcon Housing Association is using Omniledger’s Pyramid Messenger to automate communications with its tenants using text messaging and workflow. Since the introduction of the new system in December 2013, the housing provider reported that it was saving around £4,000 each year as it no longer needs to send letters for rent arrears, waiting list renewals,…
Arcon texts with OmniledgerRead More →