Sir – Councils are looking beyond the HRA to develop their new building programmes for two reasons. First, yes, the HRA Self-Financing settlement has allowed 170 stock-owning councils to address investment in their stock, but, that said, a large number of these councils have reached their borrowing cap. Secondly, the new HCA affordable housing programme…
How innovation and creativity can meet housing needsRead More →
Magazine Articles
Benchmarking your IT services
Richard Troote, head of ICT at Wales & West Housing and chair of the Community Housing Cymru IT Network, and Henk Korevaar, founder of F-fectis, reflect on an international collaboration to find value for money (VFM) within housing providers’ IT departments. Relevance of IT benchmarking The number of housing providers contributing to IT benchmarking has…
Benchmarking your IT servicesRead More →
Kana survey reveals gap between IT intentions and realities
An independent survey commissioned by Kana Software of IT executives from housing providers managing a combined portfolio of more than 1.5 million properties in the UK has found that while most recognise the importance of new technology in delivering efficiencies and better services to tenants, fewer than 20 per cent have a full understanding of…
Kana survey reveals gap between IT intentions and realitiesRead More →
Collaborate to innovate
The relationship between a housing provider and a software provider should never be an arms-length one, explains Gavin Hitchcock, head of ICT at Futures Housing Group. At Futures Housing Group, we have reaped the benefits of an increasingly close working relationship with our software provider Orchard Information Systems. From this has come a suite of…
Collaborate to innovateRead More →
Octavia trial makes district heating hot topic for landlords
A pilot project by Octavia Housing is helping landlords re-think how they deliver heat and tackle fuel poverty in thousands of properties across the UK supplied by district heating systems, by allowing them to monitor system performance and energy use in real-time. Octavia has teamed up with green energy specialist Guru Systems for the project,…
Octavia trial makes district heating hot topic for landlordsRead More →
Suits you, Sir
Once, social landlords used software applications that had been developed inhouse or as bespoke solutions by contracted developers. At first these systems delivered huge advances in productivity and were well regarded. However over time, they became unwieldy, difficult to maintain and, in the worst cases, impossible to develop. Lack of documentation and staff turnover could…
Suits you, SirRead More →