An increasing number of tenants are using home-swapping services as a result of welfare reform, according to figures from Housing Partners, the company behind the HomeSwapper mutual exchange platform. Figures from Housing Partners show that the number of tenants swapping using HomeSwapper has risen by a quarter since April 2013. The data also shows that…
HomeSwapper – 25 per cent increase in mutual exchangesRead More →
Magazine Articles
Newport City Homes to implement Kypera
Due to go live in June 2014, Newport City Homes is in the middle of implementing a new housing management system from Kypera alongside its Microsoft Dynamics CRM system. NCH’s implementation of Kypera Housing is part of a large transformation programme around customer service. The programme also includes the deployments of Microsoft Dynamics CRM with…
Newport City Homes to implement KyperaRead More →
Building homes with technology
The pressure on social housing stock is relentless, with most housing providers doing what they can to build new properties and make best use of their existing properties to maximise the number of residents they can accommodate, with particularly pressure on those operating in the main cities. While technology on its own can’t magically create…
Building homes with technologyRead More →
Kypera delivers full suite to Atrium Homes
Atrium Homes has just completed the deployment of a suite of new products from Kypera following a three-month implementation period. The housing provider is now using Kypera Housing, Kypera Financials and Kypera Mobile within an integrated infrastructure. Stephen Black, chief executive, Atrium Homes, said, “As part of the procurement exercise, we ran an initial presentation…
Kypera delivers full suite to Atrium HomesRead More →
Capita wins Denbighshire housing services contract
Capita’s software services business signed a contract in January 2014 with Denbighshire County Council to provide a comprehensive housing management system. Capita’s OpenHousing software will help modernise the delivery of the council’s housing services by supporting the day-to-day management of its properties and tenant communications, all within a single system. The software will also make…
Capita wins Denbighshire housing services contractRead More →
Denbighshire live with Capita’s care and support software
Denbighshire County Council has gone live with Capita’s care and support software to help its work with vulnerable adults in North Wales. The council has five hubs across the region, with a team of 33 people delivering 26 different services. The implementation of the Capita software replaces the council’s previous paper-based processes. Provided via a…
Denbighshire live with Capita’s care and support softwareRead More →