Tower Hamlets Community Housing has signed a new seven-year contract with Sovereign Business Integration Group for an augmented IT service with additional flexibility and scope, extending its previous six-year contract with Sovereign. The new contract includes enhanced IT asset management, an upgrade to Tower Hamlets’ highly-resilient network, a dedicated service delivery manager from Sovereign to…
Sovereign extends IT contract with Tower HamletsRead More →
Magazine Articles
JetNexus replaces Windows for load-balancing at Newport City Homes
In April 2013, Newport City Homes replaced its poorly-performing Windows Server NLB with an advanced load-balancing appliance from JetNexus. The original system had resulted in the housing provider’s home page taking up to 20 seconds to load. Having previously used an external hosting company, NCH decided to bring its web services in-house due to an…
JetNexus replaces Windows for load-balancing at Newport City HomesRead More →
Digital inclusion – Pilot of special broadband pricing
Latest figures from the ONS suggest that 83 per cent of UK homes are connected to the internet; of the remaining 17 per cent, a disproportionate number of those are households in the social housing sector. We know that some of those ‘unconnected’ say that they ‘simply do not need to be online’. However, a…
Digital inclusion – Pilot of special broadband pricingRead More →
Meet Monty the Money Dog at East Kent Housing
East Kent Housing has reported on how its multi-channel approach to tenant communications has reduced its rent arrears over £100,000 since it took over rent collection when it launched in April 2011, and evictions for rent arrears have fallen by 64 per cent. East Kent strategy had a number of facets. These included focusing less…
Meet Monty the Money Dog at East Kent HousingRead More →
New courses for digital inclusion
Digital Unite has launched a new range of online courses to help housing providers introduce tenants to the benefits of the internet and show them how to master the basics such as using a keyboard and mouse, searching the web and using email. These ‘digital champion’ courses are flexible, self-study e-learning programmes which include practical…
New courses for digital inclusionRead More →
Get Online 2013
The Tinder Foundation, formerly known as UK Online Centres, is running its annual ‘Get Online’ week during 14-20 October 2013 with the aim of helping tenants to improve their digital skills and reduce digital exclusion. Thousands of Get Online week events will happen throughout the UK in UK online centres, libraries and community venues. Tinder…
Get Online 2013Read More →