Joanna Sedley-Burke, business development director at Sovereign Business Integration, considers how an IT rental model could help housing providers cut costs. Are housing providers wasting valuable capital resources on purchasing IT equipment? In light of the government’s recent housing budget cuts and the pressure on cost-savings across all public sector organisations, it is increasingly important…
IT rental – Is it right for you?Read More →
Magazine Articles
To share or not to share
Shared services have been growing in popularity over the last few years as housing providers realise that shared services allows them to either gain access to products and services that they couldn’t otherwise afford on their own or use their IT budgets more prudently by leveraging the costs savings and economies of scale inherent in…
To share or not to shareRead More →
Family Mosaic scoops customer service award
Family Mosaic has beaten the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, the Metropolitan Police and Scottish Water among others to win the top award for the public sector at the recent Customer Service Training Awards. Over 100 other public sector organisations across the UK also applied for the award but were not short-listed. One of…
Family Mosaic scoops customer service awardRead More →
Family Mosaic builds on success with Britannic
Having launched its award-winning customer contact centre in 2009, Family Mosaic is now focusing on how to use telephony to enhance its call handling and customer satisfaction. Family Mosaic is undertaking a strategic review of its telephony and is now working with Britannic Technologies to establish a long-term roadmap to support its strategic business objectives….
Family Mosaic builds on success with BritannicRead More →
Family Mosaic’s partnership with Northgate
Having launched a new customer contact centre with Northgate in 2009, Family Mosaic has reported that it has since halved the number of voids, reduced rent arrears by more than 30 per cent and received a 82 per cent approval rating from tenants for its contact centre operations. Family Mosaic has been a long-term Northgate…
Family Mosaic’s partnership with NorthgateRead More →
Securing your future through technology
Necessity is the mother of invention, never more so than when the government of the day presents you with budget cuts of 25 per cent or more. Accustomed to regarding their ICT systems as tiresome obligations that soak up money, housing providers need to start thinking of these systems as weapons in their survival armoury…
Securing your future through technologyRead More →