Lagan has adapted its CRM and case management software to make it easier for housing associations to improve their service delivery to tenants while saving money. Lagan’s software, which is already in use at Hounslow Homes (see Housing Technology, May 2008), links information from front- and back-office systems to give call-centre staff a holistic view…
CRM and case management from LaganRead More →
Magazine Articles
Telecare upgrade for English Churches
English Churches Housing Group is upgrading its infrastructure to make it compliant with BT’s new 21CN digital network, ensuring that ECHG’s telecare and monitoring systems continue to support its elderly residents. ECHG is installing Tunstall’s telecare system, Communicall Connect, at a number of its sheltered housing schemes across the country. On-site managers and other staff…
Telecare upgrade for English ChurchesRead More →
A blueprint for mobile working
Every organisation has remote workers; field-based employees or contractors who receive paper job instructions from central locations. This usually involves completing paper forms by hand and either posting or delivering them back to base. It will usually be entered into the same back-office system that originally produced the paper form. However, the technology exists to…
A blueprint for mobile workingRead More →
Where’s your GIS system?
Social housing providers are required to meet challenging targets on a daily basis. Occupancy, asset yield, cost control and tenant satisfaction are integral elements in achieving the Government’s Decent Homes standard and securing funding as a result. Key issues faced by managers include changing legislation and managing a diverse and scattered asset base, while providing…
Where’s your GIS system?Read More →
DIY vouchers for CBHA
Decorating vouchers from Homebase are replacing cheques for Community Based Housing Association’s tenants, giving CBHA more control and security, and making life easier for tenants. CBHA usually issued a cheque to the tenants to let them redecorate and refurbish their properties themselves. The housing association, which looks after 1650 properties around Waltham Forest, needed more…
DIY vouchers for CBHARead More →
Hackney Homes gets feedback from 900 staff
Hackney Homes used audience engagement technologies from LiveInteractive at its recent three-day staff conference, the main objectives of which were to prepare for an Audit Commission inspection in November 2008 and communicate the 2009 business plans to the 900 staff at the event. 300 staff attended the event each day and were split into 30…
Hackney Homes gets feedback from 900 staffRead More →