Cloud technology and adoption is growing rapidly, with many experts predicting that 50 per cent of the UK enterprise software market will be delivered via a cloud-hosted, software-as-a-service (SaaS) model within two years, double today’s figure. With cloud underpinning deeper business intelligence, improved service outcomes and being more secure and greener than before, now is the time for housing providers to reap the benefits.
Enabling new technologies
Most housing providers aren’t ready to migrate everything to the cloud, but they should already be focusing on building a vision for the journey. Cloud solutions offer a springboard from which housing providers can test technologies such as automation and artificial intelligence, pushing innovation further to drive better experiences for their tenants. For example, chatbots are delivering lasting benefits for companies by providing accurate 24/7 availability. Elsewhere, data analytics tools are helping organisations to gain valuable insights into their customers and making their businesses more customer-centric. In the case of Durham County Council, by moving to Civica’s cloud-based Cx software, the council has improved real-time service delivery while also tailoring communications with citizens based on their individual needs and interests.
Cloud is a culture change
The ability to adapt to sudden change is crucial in today’s digital world. Adopting cloud-based solutions will require a certain amount of flexibility and adaptability on the part of housing providers, so that both staff and tenants can drive true value from the technology. For many organisations, this is an opportunity for reworking processes and reframing approaches to work.
This should be considered as a unique chance for organisations to create a culture shift, focused on driving continuous innovation and an ever-stronger dedication to customer service. The cloud has the potential to further enable a truly dynamic, flexible culture within housing providers, which can only lead to more success and improved customer satisfaction.
Finding the best partners
Both public- and private-sector organisations are looking for ways to reduce costs while continuing to drive innovation. Put simply, the cloud is a cost-efficient investment that enables housing providers to reinvest savings back into their businesses and build better-connected and safer communities for all.
The cloud’s reliability, scalability and efficiency means that organisations can consistently meet their tenants’ needs without increasing costs. When replacing an on-premise solution, the benefits of the cloud for customer outcomes are indisputable. But without the technical expertise in place, housing providers should look for a trusted partner to support them along their cloud journey, to navigate the complex cloud landscape and ensure that they really drive true value from their cloud implementation.
With so many public-service organisations now unable to afford the cost of old technology, aligned with higher security and compliance standards and keeping pace with tenants’ expectations, embracing cloud technologies is the only rational choice; providing the scalability critical to growing and evolving organisations.
Harold de Neef is the group director for cloud at Civica.