From: Micky Kieboom, Ymere Housing, The Netherlandsh
Sir – I have had the pleasure of attending several of Housing Technology’s events in the UK, as well as receiving guests here in Holland. This has led to many interesting discussions. What has surprised me each time is the response to our CORA (Corporation Referential Architecture) standard and the way Dutch housing providers have managed to put aside their differences in order to achieve a common purpose.
Why is this concept so foreign in the UK? Do all housing associations not have the same purpose and do they not all require and produce the same information?
What are the obstacles that prevent a unified way of working in the UK housing industry?
I believe the answer should be none. Speaking the same language within the same sector has given us many benefits in Holland. We are now able to report in a unified way with results that are easily compared. I still believe the biggest gain is an industry-standard architecture that suppliers have to comply with, leading to improved customer/supplier relationships.
I am very interested in hearing other readers’ thoughts on this matter.