As you probably know only too well, the Tenant Services Authority’s new regulatory framework takes effect from 1st April 2010. The framework consists of six areas of standards, comprising: tenant involvement and empowerment; home; tenancy; neighbourhood and community; value for money; and governance and financial viability.
The TSA’s framework will have an effect on IT departments and the delivery of IT services. In some instances, the burden will be relatively light and most likely consist of the creation of reporting tools or adjustments to existing systems. However in other areas, such as repairs and maintenance, corporate governance and customer service, technology will be the foundation on which that service or business area is based.
As with all new regulations, the TSA’s framework can be considered as either merely something that needs to be endured and complied with, or it can act as the boost which lifts an organisation’s performance to greater heights. With that in mind, IT departments can either be passive and find themselves dictated to by other departments, or they can take an active role by demonstrating how technology can add significant value to their organisation’s compliance strategy – which path will you take?