Speaker name to be confirmed.
Housing Technology Conference 2021 Speakers
Aico & Homelink: How will the internet of things transform your customer relationships?
HomeLink has deployed suites of IoT devices with dozens of housing providers and their tenants are always a key part of those stories. Our recent ground-breaking research into the ethics of IoT in social housing and the recent release of our resident app has provided some unexpected and novel insights…
Speaker: Chris Jones, chief operating officer, Homelync
FireAngel: Presentation title and synopsis to be confirmed
Speaker name to be confirmed.
Grand Union Housing: Data lakes, Dynamics/SharePoint and robotic process automation (exact title to be confirmed)
Synopsis to be confirmed.
Speaker: Sue Rice, IT transformation manager, Grand Union Housing
Guinness Housing: Presentation title to be confirmed
Synopsis to be confirmed.
Speaker: Simon Kirkland, group IT director, The Guinness Partnership
Halton Housing: Innovation in housing – what are the right ingredients (exact title to be confirmed)?
Innovation comes in many forms but not without sustained effort, the right environment and a clear line of sight to the problem you’re trying to solve (exact synopsis to be confirmed).
Speaker: Debbie Trust Dickinson, chief transformation officer, Halton Housing
Havebury Housing: An appetite for construction – Havebury’s in-house development
Launched in 2019, myHavebury is the self-built product of a clear ambition to provide our tenants with a meaningful, intuitive and automated way to do things for themselves. We transformed our digital vision into reality by taking everyone from tenants, front-line staff, executive team and board on a journey to realise our ‘appetite for construction’ using the benefit of co-design and shared buy-in at all levels.
Speakers: Eleanor Darling, customer service & involvement manager, and Paul Rowley, assistant director of ICT, Havebury Housing
Johnnie Johnson Housing: Remote working and agile teams in housing (exact title to be confirmed)
Synopsis to be confirmed.
Speaker: Steve Allcock, director of data & digital transformation, Johnnie Johnson Housing
Lioness Recruitment: Presentation title and synopsis to be confirmed
Speaker name to be confirmed.
Manningham Housing: Driving innovation – Short-term costs vs. long-term benefits (exact title tbc)
Presentation synopsis to be confirmed.
Speaker: Shendi Keshet, director of finance & resources, Manningham Housing
MHS Homes: Connecting customers and digitalising the business(exact title to be confirmed)
Synopsis to be confirmed.
Speaker: Amanda Hodge, ICT manager, MHS Homes
Paradigm Housing: Digital transformation – before, during and after the pandemic (exact title to be confirmed)
The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated many workforce trends. Paradigm had already started its digital transformation to re-engineer its processes aligned to an off-the-shelf ERP solution, and having proven our ability to preserve workforce continuity amid the rapid shift to mandatory remote working, we seized the opportunity to re-evaluate our business model to deliver richer and deeper digital experiences and exploit emerging digital technologies for better business outcomes.
Speaker: Dr Vivienne Adams, head of portfolio & programmes, Paradigm Housing
Peabody: Introducing microservice aggregation for business agility (exact title to be confirmed)
Synopsis to be confirmed.
Speaker: Clive Thacker, head of technical solutions, Peabody
Platform Housing: How to avoid data fatigue in an IoT world
Forecasts indicate that by 2025 there will be 42 billion IoT devices generating 80 zettabytes (ZB) of data. As housing providers expand their IoT projects, we will start generating more data than we know what to do with. What tools and frameworks can we develop to prevent data fatigue and turn this data into actionable business outcomes?
Speaker: Jon Cocker, chief information officer, Platform Housing Group
Rooftop Housing: How not to implement a new IT system…
Synopsis to be confirmed.
Speaker: Boris Worrall, group chief executive, Rooftop Housing
Southside Housing: Digital inclusion – don’t leave anyone behind (exact title to be confirmed)
Synopsis to be confirmed.
Speaker: Chris Milborrow, business improvement manager, Southside Housing
Sovereign Housing: The power of a 360-degree view of business intelligence
2020 was the year that technology brought people together. It was also a year in Sovereign where we embraced the value of data. Learn how collaboratively our CIO team deployed data-gathering tools to feed a centralised reporting platform, informing the business of the impact coronavirus was having. Crisis management ensured our colleagues and our customers stayed safe during uncertain times, using data to keep them informed on a daily basis.
Speaker: Audrey Lloyd, data insight manager, Sovereign Housing
TSG: “I’m on premise…Get me out of here!”
Building on previous presentations at Housing Technology, and supported by customers demonstrating their own uses of AI-driven document management, RPA and Power Apps solutions, TSG will share updates from its work in the sector during 2020 and present the next generation of AI-driven Microsoft 365 features, highlighting how digital transformation isn’t just about shifting servers and applications to the cloud.
Speakers: Tony Hughes, Microsoft 365 housing strategist, and Kirsty Marsden, senior housing service design lead, TSG
Wrekin Group: Grow your own…balancing in-house development with best-of-breed 3rd-party software (exact title to be confirmed)
Synopsis to be confirmed.
Speaker: Lawrence Gardner, group head of ICT, Wrekin Housing
Yorkshire Housing: Digital transformation 2.0 with Dynamics 365 (exact title to be confirmed)
Synopsis to be confirmed.
Speaker: Rebecca Farrell-Greenhalgh, transformation service design lead, Yorkshire Housing