Bromsgrove-based BDHT has partnered with Housing Insight to offer its customers a cutting-edge self-service app and portal. Housing Insight is a UK-based software and technology company specialising in solutions for the social housing and local government sectors. Established in 2011, the company provides digital tools designed to enhance operational efficiency and tenant engagement for housing…
BDHT signs with Housing Insight for customer engagement & repairsRead More →
Mobysoft’s AI-powered repairs for BDHT
Bromsgrove District Housing Trust (BDHT) is set to implement Mobysoft’s RepairSense software alongside its existing deployment of the software provider’s RentSense income collection software. RepairSense is an AI-powered predictive analytics tool designed to help housing providers optimise the management of their repairs through greater productivity of the repairs operatives, cutting down on multiple visits to…
Mobysoft’s AI-powered repairs for BDHTRead More →