Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd is the first housing provider in Wales to sign up for pure-fibre broadband from a new non-profit infrastructure provider, Pure Fibre Housing. Pure Fibre Housing, a community interest company (CIC), will provide full-fibre infrastructure to housing providers on a non-profit basis. It is part of the i4 Technology Group founded by Welsh…
Pure Fibre Housing signs CCG in WalesRead More →
CCG signs three year deal with Connexion2 for lone-worker devices
Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd has signed a three-year contract to protect its lone workers with Identicom lone worker devices from Connexion2. CCG has bought 120 devices through the software company’s SoloProtect package, comprising the devices, 24/7 manned monitoring, SIM cards and mobile network usage, device training and monthly reporting. The project went live in July 2013,…
CCG signs three year deal with Connexion2 for lone-worker devicesRead More →