Paul Rowley, head of information services and performance at Havebury Housing Partnership, explains the implementation of performance management software and its impact on the organisation. Historically, the production of our quarterly performance reports was very labour-intensive due to the data collection methods involved, with the data typically out of date before the report was even…
Delivering performance managementRead More →
Havebury Housing Partnership
Where’s your GIS system?
Social housing providers are required to meet challenging targets on a daily basis. Occupancy, asset yield, cost control and tenant satisfaction are integral elements in achieving the Government’s Decent Homes standard and securing funding as a result. Key issues faced by managers include changing legislation and managing a diverse and scattered asset base, while providing…
Where’s your GIS system?Read More →
Mobility strengthens Havebury team
Havebury Housing has equipped 50 members of its maintenance and repairs team with T-Mobile’s MDA Vario devices to improve customer service to tenants in its 5700 properties in West Suffolk. The PDAs allow them to receive job schedules, send and receive emails, use the internet and work on documents and applications while away from the…
Mobility strengthens Havebury teamRead More →