Helena Partnerships’ executive director for business transformation, Liz Haworth, explains how a multi-channel approach is used to engage with tenants about welfare reform. Welfare reform continues to be the biggest challenge affecting our tenants and our business, and since 2012 Helena has been running a robust communications campaign to help over 3,000 tenants to prepare…
Integrated communications for welfare reformRead More →
Helena Partnerships
Helena spends £250k on mobile working with Capita
Helena Partnerships is spending around £250,000 implementing Capita’s TotalMobile system across its workforce. The project has just begun and is due to be completed by the end of 2013. The Capita system will allow Helena’s staff to access, capture and edit information saved to a single system at any time and from any location. Capita…
Helena spends £250k on mobile working with CapitaRead More →
To share or not to share
Shared services have been growing in popularity over the last few years as housing providers realise that shared services allows them to either gain access to products and services that they couldn’t otherwise afford on their own or use their IT budgets more prudently by leveraging the costs savings and economies of scale inherent in…
To share or not to shareRead More →
Helena Partnerships EPC-compliant with Documotive
Helena Partnerships has just installed new software from Documotive to ensure it complies with the requirement for Energy Performance Certificates which came into effect at the beginning of October. Documotive’s mobile EPC Surveys system lets on-site surveyors enter data into PDAs which instantly generate an energy performance rating for each property, removing the need for…
Helena Partnerships EPC-compliant with DocumotiveRead More →