From: Martin Carpenter, Director of IT, Peabody Sir – Over the past year, we have started to be told how important ‘big data’ is, prior to that it was BYOD, and before that it was cloud computing. Clearly, the ability of vendors to think up new terms for existing problems follows Moore’s Law, with the…
Cut out the hypeRead More →
New joiner at Peabody
Martin Carpenter has been appointed as Peabody’s new director of IT following his move from Notting Hill Housing Group where he was head of central services. Carpenter said, “My main focus at first will be on the successful implementation of Aareon QL Housing, replacing the existing housing management and CRM systems, integration with Sun Financials,…
New joiner at PeabodyRead More →
All change – Microsoft’s licensing terms for social housing
As many of you will already know, Microsoft announced several months ago that it was likely to make significant changes to the licensing terms available to housing associations and RSLs for its software. Just before going to press with this issue, Housing Technology interviewed a number of leading housing providers and a housing consultancy on…
All change – Microsoft’s licensing terms for social housingRead More →
Peabody chooses SDS for development & planning
Shelton Development Services has won a £40,000 contract to supply Peabody with its housing development viability and project management software. The systems are now installed and final training took place at the end of February 2012. SDS ProVal and SDS Sequel will be used by Peabody’s development and finance teams to manage all projects. Peabody…
Peabody chooses SDS for development & planningRead More →
Feature – Peabody interview
Housing Technology interviewed Michael Barber, IT director at Peabody, to find out how he has found his first year in the housing sector, running the IT services of one of the UK’s largest housing providers. What are your IT goals for the next twelve months? And what are your longer-term goals? Over the next 12…
Feature – Peabody interviewRead More →
Peabody spends £70k on Touchstone procurement
Peabody Trust is completing the implementation of a new procurement and financial management system from Touchstone. The long-term project, which began in 2008, has involved the integration of Touchstone’s Proactis procurement software with Peabody’s existing SunSystems financial system. Touchstone reported that the contract value was in the region of £70,000. In common with many housing…
Peabody spends £70k on Touchstone procurementRead More →