Ciptex has developed a multi-channel, self-service contact centre solution for housing charity Shelter to support people at risk of homelessness. By using Ciptex’s technology, powered by Twilio’s customer engagement platform, the aim is for every Shelter caller to have their own advisor. This will ensure that mainline advisors will have more time to focus on…
Ciptex helps Shelter with homelessnessRead More →
GCI implements Skype contact centre for Shelter
GCI has won a Skype for Business contract with Shelter. The housing and homelessness charity will use the latest cloud technology to run a more flexible contact centre to help the 60,000 people that call every year for help with their housing needs. Stuart Moore from Shelter said, “Staffed by just 30 housing advisers, we…
GCI implements Skype contact centre for ShelterRead More →