Over the last two years, we’ve been trying to fundamentally transform the way Silva Homes works and technology is at the heart of this change. We have launched a new website and digital platform and replaced and upgraded several core systems. We have also redesigned our IT team and introduced a dedicated transformation team including…
Silva Homes – Refocused digital transformation during lockdownRead More →
Silva Homes
Beyond the office – The customer-centric IT team
Silva Homes has been undergoing a major transformation over the last 18 months and the way we use technology is at the heart of this change. This is a major change for a business that had been pretty sceptical about the importance and role of IT. When I joined Silva, I soon realised that my…
Beyond the office – The customer-centric IT teamRead More →
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Digital technology has the potential to re-define the relationship between housing providers and their customers. It determines their access to information, ability to book services and their overall experience with their landlord. Silva’s strategic plan sets out a commitment that 80 per cent of customer-initiated transactions will be conducted online by 2021, from a starting…
Would you like a receipt for that?Read More →