Cadcorp has been chosen by Torus to replace its previous on-premise geographic information system with a web-based version alongside application management, support and training. The housing provider was previously running two sets of GIS after merging with Liverpool Mutual Homes, but both versions were out-dated and lacked the necessary functionality and flexibility. Torus therefore decided…
Torus moves to Cadcorp web mappingRead More →
Housing mergers and acquisitions – where does IT fit in?
Housing Technology interviewed senior housing experts from Clearview Systems, Itica, Northgate Public Services, Torus Group and Vantage Business Solutions on the role and impact of technology on housing providers’ mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Existing technologies as M&A drivers Although technology is now widely recognised as being fundamental to housing providers’ operations, for any two or…
Housing mergers and acquisitions – where does IT fit in?Read More →
Torus and Aareon collaborate on housing and asset management
Torus Group has selected Aareon’s QL software to underpin its business. As well as the Aareon software resulting in a reduction in the number of separate business applications in use across the group from 27 to seven, the asset management module has reduced the housing provider’s annual maintenance costs by 60 per cent. Once chosen…
Torus and Aareon collaborate on housing and asset managementRead More →
Torus residents on the alert with Housing Proactive
Torus has installed Alertacall’s Housing Proactive system in 2,000 of its properties to help its older residents. Individual Torus residents are typically given a phone with an ‘OKEachDay’ button on it. Residents press the OKEachDay button in their own time each day to demonstrate that everything is fine at their property. If the button isn’t…
Torus residents on the alert with Housing ProactiveRead More →