Customer-service staff at Trafford Housing Trust are now better able to provide a ‘first-time fix’ service to tenants following the introduction of NDL’s AWI integration technology which links information in THT’s front- and back-office systems. The implementation of the NDL technology follows THT’s decision to centralise its customer service activities into a single hub powered…
Trafford Housing’s front-to-back integration with NDLRead More →
Trafford Housing Trust
Trafford Housing Trust’s £250,000 transformation with Lagan
Trafford Housing Trust is implementing an enterprise case management system (ECM) from Lagan to support its transformation programme, using NDL’s universal integration platform to access core applications. THT, which manages 9000 properties in Manchester, will use the Lagan ECM system as part of its plans to integrate front and back office operations, thus streamlining interaction…
Trafford Housing Trust’s £250,000 transformation with LaganRead More →
Mobile works for Trafford Housing
Trafford Housing Trust has just revealed the impact of its decision to adopt mobile working, reporting almost 100 per cent levels of satisfaction across a range of maintenance and repairs criteria for its tenants. After the introduction of Sybase’s iAnywhere M-Business and Civica’s Servitor job management systems, Trafford Housing revealed that customer satisfaction levels for…
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Flexible working for Trafford Housing
Flexible working at Trafford Housing Trust is being monitored using a solution from PeoplePointLite. The system installed at Trafford Housing Trust is a time and attendance system that monitors flexi-time in an office environment and calculates accrued time in lieu, lets staff to book holidays, and flags up potential issues with line managers. Claire Renner,…
Flexible working for Trafford HousingRead More →