The world of social housing is changing. The cost-of-living crisis, shortage of affordable housing, worsening mental health and overstretched public services have all contributed to a shift in the role of housing providers’ customer service teams. With one in five people in the UK in poverty, according to the Government’s 2021/2022 ‘Households below average income’…
Picking up the pieces – The changing role of housing providersRead More →
United Welsh
The evolution of customer-centric IT at United Welsh
United Welsh discusses how its partnership with Housing Insight has evolved over time in response to an emerging digital society and the needs of its growing organisation. When we first began our digital journey with Housing Insight over six years ago, we were IT-driven not business-driven. Specifically, we wanted to find a tenant app that…
The evolution of customer-centric IT at United WelshRead More →
United Welsh texts with Capita
Since 2006, United Welsh has used SMS technology to communicate information about their arrears and details around their 28-day repair requests to its tenants. The system was successful at a certain level, but the communication exchange was fragmented because the complexity of the messages to be conveyed about arrears was not suitable for SMS interaction….
United Welsh texts with CapitaRead More →
United Welsh and Cheltenham Borough Homes sign with IBS
IBS OpenSystems has signed contracts with United Welsh Housing Association for CRM and with Cheltenham Borough Homes to streamline maintenance, repairs and reporting. United Welsh is taking IBS’s OpenHousing, OpenFinancials and OpenMobile products to improve the document management and workflow processes involved in the management of its 3600 properties in Wales. The system went live…
United Welsh and Cheltenham Borough Homes sign with IBSRead More →
Deeplake in Wales
United Welsh is using SMS and web technologies to reduce costs while improving tenant response to its choice-based letting programme. The popularity of United Welsh’s ‘Selecta Home’ programme has resulted in the waiting list growing from 3500 tenants to more than 7000 over the past two years. This significantly increased the costs and internal resources…
Deeplake in WalesRead More →