Wolverhampton Homes has won a national award for its apprenticeship programme, beating off competition from nationally and internationally acclaimed companies such as Nokia, Vodafone and Asda. The housing provider’s Learning, Employment and Achievement Programme, dubbed ‘LEAP’, was named overall winner of the national Peer Awards for Excellence at a ceremony in London at the end…
Wolverhampton Homes bags top award for its apprenticeshipsRead More →
Wolverhampton Homes
Self-service HMS portal for Wolverhampton Homes
Wolverhampton Homes has developed a new self-service portal to help its tenants get online, with the portal linking direct to live and up-to-date data in its Northgate housing management system. This mean that tenants can serve themselves in the same way as they can when banking online or using online retail services. The site went…
Self-service HMS portal for Wolverhampton HomesRead More →