According to research from Phoenix Software and VMware, UK housing providers are struggling with how they handle data, tenant payments and remote working.
The software providers’ research found that 75 per cent of housing providers don’t think their organisation is effectively using the information it stores, with almost 50 per cent expecting to need to refresh their current data storage capabilities within the next two years.
Phoenix and VMware reported that, with the introduction of universal credit and welfare reform, at least 10 per cent of housing providers are still struggling to manage tenant payments and over a third have difficulties gaining an holistic view of their payments.
Two-thirds of the survey’s respondents said that their organisation failed to provide the necessary tools needed by remote workers, in particular citing a lack of access to business applications (47 per cent).
Greg Dean, sector sales manager for housing, Phoenix Software, said, “Many housing providers recognise the need to change and are already reimagining processes to adapt how they can serve tenants better. IT investment should centre around continual digitisation and mobilisation, focusing on maximising the value they extract from their data to deliver better experiences.”