Leeds Federated Housing Association is using a noise-reporting app from RH Environmental to make it easier for its tenants to record and report noise nuisances.
The app uses the standard microphone and recording functions found on iOS and Android smartphones. Tenants experiencing noise nuisance can download the noise app in minutes and begin recording noise nuisance as evidence to help the housing provider decide whether to take further action.
Simon Williams, research and insight manager, Leeds Federated Housing Association, said, “For me, the best thing about the noise app is its ability to make service responses instantaneous and real time. By offering a tenant-led, self-service function, the noise app saves us a lot of time. Our previous approach required individual members of staff trying to hear the noise nuisance for themselves or installing expensive specialist equipment.
“With noise being the predominant form of anti-social behaviour reported to housing providers, the ability to instantly have tenants collecting live evidence on behalf of us is empowering for all concerned.”