L&Q has upgraded its telecare services using remote monitoring technologies from Alcove, replacing its previous Tunstall devices, and has now been upgraded from ‘needs improvement’ to ‘outstanding’ by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) across four supported living schemes.
One ‘outstanding’ scheme is now fitted with over 50 devices including movement, heat, light and eating sensors, as well as Amazon Alexas and Alcove’s video-calling devices.
Hellen Bowey, CEO and co-founder, Alcove, said, “This is a huge first for any housing provider or care facility across the country. It offers digital inclusion to all of the residents whom can now make free video calls at the touch of a button, contact wardens via a single touch, and receive notifications and texts from their family. Alcove has also built a check-in ‘skill’ for the Alexa devices so that if the carer is late or forgets, Alcove will text a manager, neighbour or family member so that safeguarding is enhanced.”
CQC reported, “L&Q’s services worked with Alcove to provide assistive technology with ‘light-touch’ monitoring for people. This technology has enabled people to become more independent while managing the risk to that person. The scheme had installed a range of sensors which gave insight into people’s behaviours and promoted positive risk taking.
“For example, one person was receiving 24-hour support. However, with the sensors, this person had allocated hours each week where they were independent while being lightly monitored from an adjoining location. By monitoring from an adjoining location, it gave the person freedom to move about their home safely and with privacy. The service monitored the behaviours of this person and over time this showed they were becoming more independent.”