Intelligent information management provider M-Files has partnered with Cadcorp, a leading provider of GIS and spatial analytics software, to offer housing providers better insights into their assets and property portfolios.
Using Cadcorp’s web mapping software, SIS WebMap, integrated with M-Files’ information management platform, housing providers can now aggregate data from their existing siloed information sources in order to see all of their data in one place. M-Files’ partnership with Cadcorp provides an automated, seamless link between disparate data repositories so that all relevant information and data can be brought into the SIS WebMap interface.
With M-Files enabling unstructured content and documentation to be layered on top of assets displayed in SIS WebMap, housing providers can gain greater insight into their portfolios and operations. For example, housing providers can visualise on a map where they have obligations to land maintenance, such as grass cutting. M-Files can also link this spatial data to other areas of housing providers’ operations, such as invoices from contractors who have done work in those areas.
Grahame Wilkinson, UK sales manager, M-Files, said, “With our capability to bring together data from all over a network and different siloes, and Cadcorp’s approach to displaying that data geospatially, we can move beyond the days of staff poring over spreadsheets by giving them all the information they need in one place in a format that gives them greater insight, accessible from anywhere through our mobile functionality.”