Data from the National Land and Property Gazetteer (NLPG) is now available from Aligned Assets in subsets down to district and borough council levels. The NLPG datasets will allow housing providers to attribute unique property reference numbers (UPRNs) to all of their housing stock in order to fulfil one of the core requirements for NROSH submissions.
The NLPG data also contains accurate geographic references which allow all housing stock to be precisely plotted using GIS and mapping software. Mike Smith, sales and marketing manager, Aligned Assets, said, “GIS opens up a wealth of information to housing associations such as flood risk, housing need against supply, the mapping of energy efficiency and Decent Homes standards, and analysis of rent arrears.
“Using data from the NLPG allows each property to be mapped individually which adds much more value to GIS. For example, mapping flood risk by postcode can lead to errors as two properties could be mapped together, yet one is at the top of a hill, the other at the bottom. The NLPG data completely removes this risk.”
Aligned Assets added that while other commercially-available address data could only be purchased in blocks covering large, regional areas, its NLPG data was available for smaller areas and cost from £660 per district council.