Valueworks, a spending control software provider, has been bought by Inprova, the managing agent for Procurement for Housing (PfH). The Valueworks software gives housing providers real-time, collaborative views across all of their spending data as an alternative to the siloed finance and asset management spreadsheets that many still rely on. PfH said that the increased…
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062 - March 2018
Digital clipboard trial at Flagship
Flagship Group has just started a pilot project to use Wacom Clipboards among its housing teams in Norfolk and Suffolk. The electronic clipboards combine paper form-filling with real-time data capture and are connected to the housing officers’ mobile phones and from there to Flagship’s back-office systems. The three-month trial is expected to demonstrate a variety…
Digital clipboard trial at FlagshipRead More →
Blacklight CRM at PA Housing
Many of you will be familiar with customer relationship management (CRM) systems, either as a module of a housing management system or as a separate system interfacing, or better still, integrating with your HMS. This story is how two housing providers came together and embarked on a project to procure and implement a new CRM…
Blacklight CRM at PA HousingRead More →
Asset data and the VfM standard
Homes England has a revised value for money standard that requires you to make the best returns on your assets: Does it feel like you could be going in the right direction at last? As ever, the devil is in the detail, as Mike Victory Rowe explains… The Homes England consultation to strengthen the VfM…
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Knightstone pioneers Facebook Messenger
As part of Knightstone Housing’s ‘digital first’ approach to make tenants’ lives easier and services more accessible, it has become one of the first adopters of Facebook’s integrated Messenger ‘widget’. In November 2017, Facebook launched Customer Chat, a Messenger plugin that lets organisations have conversations with customers via their own website. In February 2018, Knightstone…
Knightstone pioneers Facebook MessengerRead More →
New Promaster interface
Orchard has been working with web-design specialists Komodo to refresh the user interface of its Promaster asset management software. Given the widespread use of Promaster in the housing sector, the aim of Orchard’s project was to modernise the user interface (UI) while retaining the user experience (UX). Komodo began by collating a styles art board…
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