Rooftop has been using the Clearview software since 2007 and since then it has achieved both a three-star and excellent rating from the Audit Commission and a gold accreditation from Investors in People. In both instance the assessors commented on how effectively the Clearview systems were used by Rooftop.
Sheila Morris, human resources director, Rooftop Housing Group, said, “Our previous planning process was essentially paper-based requiring considerable effort to keep live and up-to-date. Now the plans are living documents and the process continuous, we have a more accurate understanding of strategic progress, we monitor more frequently and we don’t reinvent the wheel whenever we revisit our business plan.”
Rooftop reported that its savings comprised around £52,000 from improved productivity and resource utilisation and just over £12,000 of direct ‘cashable’ savings.
Ian Hughes, chief executive, Rooftop Housing Group, said, “The original business case for the Clearview implementation was based on reaching a five per cent efficiency gain. From the second year, it was evident that Clearview was delivering value for money amounting to productivity gains of around £65,000 per year, equivalent to five per cent of our management costs, allowing us to re-allocate staffing resources that were previously used to prepare the performance data.”