Newydd Housing Association is introducing new HR software from Access Group, with the emphasis on making it easier for its staff to self-serve many routine HR processes. The SelectHR software will replace the housing provider’s previous mixture of Excel spreadsheets and a bespoke in-house HR system.
Olwen Thomas, HR manager, Newydd Housing Association, said, “Our previous HR system didn’t have the flexibility we wanted and needed a lot of paper-based processes to support its functionality. It also meant that we needed additional software to meet other HR needs, such as flexible hours and payroll.”
Access Group and its Select HR software were chosen after a tender process with five other software providers. Implementation of the software began in August 2013 and is expected to be live by April 2014.
“We’ll be able to fully customise the software to allow it to grow and adapt to our business needs. As we have complex training and appraisal requirements we needed a system that could cope with our needs and Access was one of the few software providers that met them. As well as being competitively priced, the software is based on a Microsoft platform which makes it easy and intuitive to use.
“This HR system will empower our staff and managers to access the information they need at their fingertips anytime, anywhere. We will be able to automate some HR services, such as sickness and annual leave, using the system’s self-service functionality to free up the time spent by the HR team on administrative tasks.”