Thames Valley Housing Association and Cunninghame Housing Association have both announced that they will be using Clearview for web-based business intelligence and reporting across their various ‘siloed’ business applications.
Tim Grannell, head of policy and performance, Thames Valley Housing Association, said, “We have used the Clearview strategy, project and risk management systems for many years so a significant benefit for us will be the ability to have one product to visualise and provide insight from information across all of our systems.”
Mark Hobart, managing director, Clearview Systems, said, “Our customers tell us that they want to cleanse, analyse and report across multiple data sources, use Google-style search to find information quickly and intuitively, produce dashboards, map results and put the power of insight from data into the hands of their teams and in so doing reduce the burden of reporting on the ICT team.
“We also find that housing management and other system vendors have tended to offer their preferred reporting tool which has led to a silo-based approach to reporting with many different systems often being used. We deal with this by providing a single tool for reporting across all of the data repositories within the organisation, simply and easily.”