Author: Thomas Maughan, Community Gateway Association
During this difficult time for all tenants, we are looking to move as many of the support services that are normally delivered face-to-face or in group sessions, to an online alternative. We are specifically focusing on skills and employment which will be a big focus for tenants who may be facing job losses.
Our skills and employment team will be holding live Q&A sessions on Facebook for anyone who wants to ask questions or get support from experts. On top of this, we will be posting a series of guides to support tenants such as C.V tips, interview skills and how to effectively search for a job. As well as this, our digital skills training which would normally be delivered in the community is being made available online. We use the free platform Learn My Way which is great for tenants of all digital abilities. We are also closely monitoring our social media pages to communicate key messages and making use of our virtual voices newsletter, which is sent to hundreds of tenants to keep then in the loop.
We have seen good rates of engagement through the newsletter medium and also through our closed tenant only Facebook group. Our tenant Facebook group has allowed us to build a more personal relationship and as a result has meant engagement rates are very high. I would highly recommend other housing providers look at this as well as maintaining corporate social media pages for company news.