From Alistair MacLeod, Director, Waterstons. Sir – While value for money has always been important for social landlords, recent noises from the regulator suggest the effectiveness of consistently achieving it is under scrutiny, as doubts have been raised over the actual value received from procurement contracts. In my experience, a common problem for any organisation,…
Questioning the value of value for moneyRead More →
Asset Management
HCA’s £4bn housing programme with Landmark
Landmark Information Group has been awarded a contract by the Homes and Communities Agency to provide property intelligence data to support the development of its £4bn capital investment programme for affordable housing across England. Via Landmark Analytics (formerly Calnea Analytics), the HCA will have access to a wide range of housing market intelligence, including House…
HCA’s £4bn housing programme with LandmarkRead More →
Landmark launches social housing heat maps
Landmark Analytics has extended its property market data to provide social housing density analysis for urban or property studies. The ‘heat maps’ add an extra layer of data into the concentration of social housing, as well as information on average prices, crime rates and ‘cost per sqm’ data. Drawn from various data sources, the heat…
Landmark launches social housing heat mapsRead More →
Landmark’s asset management & geocoding for Affinity Sutton
Affinity Sutton is using address verification, geocoding and visualisation services from Landmark Analytics, a division of Landmark Information Group, for the management, maintenance and improvement programmes for its portfolio of 57,000 properties. Affinity Sutton has been able to apply ‘door level mapping’ to all property assets in its data warehouse and GIS platforms, providing a…
Landmark’s asset management & geocoding for Affinity SuttonRead More →
Vivark saves £225,000 with Oneserve
Nine months after Housing Technology first reported on Oneserve’s cloud-based implementation at property repairs firm Vivark (see Housing Technology, May 2013), the company has reported some impressive results. The original Oneserve implementation was intended to streamline Vivark’s voids management processes and give its management complete visibility of the progress of each job. For Vivark’s subcontractors,…
Vivark saves £225,000 with OneserveRead More →
SDS Sequel takes over from Workbench at Longhurst
Longhurst Group has replaced its Workbench project monitoring tool with SDS Sequel, having used SDS software to financially appraise and benchmark its housing developments since 2004. Kate Varney, development and new business officer, Longhurst Group, said, “Sequel has reduced the time it takes to update our cash flows, and it’s very easy to manage the…
SDS Sequel takes over from Workbench at LonghurstRead More →