In a little over 18 months’ time, the Decent Homes legislation comes into force, with 95 per cent of all social housing organisations expected to be fully compliant. Yet despite Government targets being outlined as early as 2000, there are fears that many housing associations and councils have done little to ensure that their housing…
Technology for Decent HomesRead More →
Asset Management
Online and on target
The increasing pressure to enhance efficiency by cutting costs, as well as deliver outstanding customer service, is an ongoing topic of conversation in housing authorities. However, the drive for efficiency and the Decent Homes standard can mean that it is easy to lose sight and control of the importance of customer service and care. Indeed,…
Online and on targetRead More →
ICT award for United House
United House has been commended for its Flag process management system in the recent Quality in Construction awards. The Flag systems, developed for United House by Propeller, is designed to integrate all of the different processes that are involved in refurbishment projects, enabling United House to manage a £200 million Decent Homes order book, including…
ICT award for United HouseRead More →
No more spreadsheets for Brent Housing Partnership
Brent Housing Partnership has implemented an asset management system to replace its spreadsheets, enabling easier and more accurate tracking of its assets. BHP, a three-star arm’s length management organisation created in 2002, looks after 13,000 properties on behalf of Brent Council. After recently relocating from the council’s buildings into separate offices, BHP assumed responsibility for…
No more spreadsheets for Brent Housing PartnershipRead More →