Wakefield & District Housing is spending around £150 million on improving its housing portfolio, using Cadcorp’s mapping software to inform its spending plans. WDH’s investment decisions are based on a whole dwelling, whole street and whole estate approach. Using Cadcorp SIS WebMap, WDH has created numerous interactive maps, informing teams across its organisation about the…
WDH’s geospatial plans with CadcorpRead More →
Asset Management
Setting the standard for data
What do you think about data standards in social housing? Are they unnecessary or urgently needed? How could data standards help your internal and external operations? What’s the role of the social housing sector’s IT suppliers to support data standards? And how and where would you actually use data standards within your housing operations? These…
Setting the standard for dataRead More →
New asset lifecycle software from Totalmobile
Totalmobile has launched its new Asset Lifecycle Management (ALM) system, developed over the past two years with some of the UK’s largest housing providers. Complementing the company’s existing Connect job management software, the ALM solution is designed to create a single source of truth for all asset processes by permanently digitising housing providers’ asset records…
New asset lifecycle software from TotalmobileRead More →
Irwell Valley Homes live with PIMSS
Irwell Valley Homes has completed its implementation PIMSS Data Systems’ asset management software to cover stock condition data and planned maintenance. Irwell Valley’s decision to implement a specialist asset management database follows its 2022/23 stock condition survey and its resulting need to move away from holding its data in a variety of manual, labour-intensive spreadsheets….
Irwell Valley Homes live with PIMSSRead More →
3D visualisation & building information modelling
While much of the debate around reducing energy costs has focused on ‘big ticket’ initiatives such as installing heat pumps or solar panels, significant benefits can be gained from smaller, more incremental changes leveraged by technology. Enter advances in 3D design and visualisation tools, with digitisation and building information modelling (BIM) propelling the housing sector…
3D visualisation & building information modellingRead More →
From blueprint to reality: Digitising social housing retrofits
With more than half of UK homes still having an EPC rating of C or worse, we need an extensive retrofit programme to hit net-zero goals. Wales’s target to enhance 230,000 social homes is a promising step forward but the construction industry continues to grapple with longstanding project management and quality assurance challenges that will…
From blueprint to reality: Digitising social housing retrofitsRead More →