BCHA has overhauled its maintenance and repairs services using an integrated set of separate SaaS products from Propeller, More IQ and Rubixx. The software underpinning the housing provider’s new maintenance and repairs services was integrated and delivered within six months. Alongside Propeller’s workforce management solutions and integration services, More IQ’s software is providing intelligent scheduling…
BCHA takes on Propeller, More IQ & RubixxRead More →
Asset Management
Merthyr Valleys Homes signs up for Asprey Assets
Merthyr Valleys Homes, Wales’s first tenant- and employee-owned mutual housing provider, has implemented a new asset and planned works management solution from Asprey Management Solutions. Stacy Thomas, director of homes and places, Merthyr Valley Homes, said, “We’re now entering the next stage of home improvements for tenants being WHQS2023 compliant, which drives an even better…
Merthyr Valleys Homes signs up for Asprey AssetsRead More →
Eastlight boosts staff satisfaction & cuts costs with digital access
Eastlight Community Homes is moving to 100 per cent keyless access for its 550 blocks by using Unloc’s app and digital locks. Before its move to Unloc, problems with access management to its properties was costing Eastlight around £500,000 per year and 14,000 hours, including a no-access rate of 25 per cent and a four-day…
Eastlight boosts staff satisfaction & cuts costs with digital accessRead More →
Then & now – 100 editions of Housing Technology
To celebrate our 100th edition, Housing Technology invited a few of our longest-standing contributors to share their views on how the technology and business landscape has changed over the past 15-20 years, the milestones along the way, and what they think the future holds. Our sincere thanks to Aidan Dunphy (Esuasive), Steve Dungworth (Golden Marzipan…
Then & now – 100 editions of Housing TechnologyRead More →
The elephant in the room
Using AI to dismantle homelessness and poverty in housing For decades, UK housing policy has focused primarily on financial constraints and supply issues. Policymakers have repeatedly emphasised the need for increased funding and regulatory reforms to tackle the housing crisis. However despite these efforts, the shortage of affordable housing persists, with significant challenges in planning,…
The elephant in the roomRead More →
Celebrating 17 years of technology in social housing
Housing Technology began at the end of 2007, with our first edition published in January 2008, and here we are now, 99 editions later with our 100th edition (in case you missed our subtle front cover). So much has changed since George Grant (prev. head of alliances at the National Housing Federation & IT business…
Celebrating 17 years of technology in social housingRead More →