The issue of digital inclusion in social housing reached its peak last year, when former Housing Minister Grant Shapps pledged to abolish the digital apartheid at the ‘Digital by Default’ summit. However, ten months on, half of all council and housing association tenants in England still do not have a broadband connection. Evidently, the debate…
Digital inclusion – Moving from ‘why’ to ‘how’Read More →
Customer Management
Integrated Services launches customer portal
Integrated Services, a specialist division of Wolseley UK, has developed a free online portal tailored for each customer, allowing them to access their own data and product information. The interactive dashboard includes key management information and performance measures such as spend trackers, stock availability and credit note analysis. Bespoke PDF reports can be created and…
Integrated Services launches customer portalRead More →
Digital inclusion service from CableCom
CableCom Networking, a Bristol-based internet service provider, is launching a new digital inclusion service for housing providers, comprising broadband access alongside a range of landlord and tenant services. The LivingCom service gives tenants fast, affordable and fully supported internet access with no hidden costs and a range of optional media and communication services such as…
Digital inclusion service from CableComRead More →
Cestria develops mobile tenant app for £2,500
Cestria Community Housing has just launched its own app to give its tenants access to a range of services via their smartphones. The app cost only £2,500 to develop, with on-going costs of just £150 per year. The app, which is free to download on iPhone and Android devices, lets Cestria’s tenants report repairs, pay…
Cestria develops mobile tenant app for £2,500Read More →
iHousing launched by City West Housing
City West Housing Trust has joined the growing numbers of housing providers with online customer portals following the recent launch of its iHousing service. iHousing gives registered tenants access to a self-service area within the CWHT website where they can check rent statements and make payments online. Along with reporting repairs via the site, tenants…
iHousing launched by City West HousingRead More →
Liquid Voice on the record at Bernicia
Bernicia Group is using CTI and call-recording software from Liquid Voice to improve its customer service as well as to remain compliant with payments regulations. The Liquid Voice system integrates inbound telephone calls with the housing group’s CRM system to provide a ‘screen pop’ of each caller’s details to its customer service staff. The Liquid…
Liquid Voice on the record at BerniciaRead More →