Looking Local is deploying its My Landlord app to more than 50 housing providers to make it easier for tenants to report issues both inside and outside their homes. The app also provides integrated web services, giving landlords and housing providers the tools to manage the reporting process and communicate direct with tenants via their…
My Landlord app from Looking LocalRead More →
Customer Management
Touchscreen telecare from Tunstall
Tunstall has just launched its Housing Services Portal app to enable managers of sheltered and supported housing schemes to monitor and control various features and functions of Tunstall’s Communicall Connect telecare systems from an easy-to-use, intuitive touchscreen application running on a tablet PC. HSP connects to the Communicall Connect system via wi-fi and gives scheme…
Touchscreen telecare from TunstallRead More →
Peaks & Plains’ new £16k digital strategy
Cheshire-based Peaks and Plains Housing Trust has revamped its online channels and updated its digital strategy with help from web consultancy Sigma. Following the completion of the two-month, £16,000 project, Peaks and Plains now has a much-improved web presence, supports mobile web users and has more advanced content management functionality. Sigma began its review of…
Peaks & Plains’ new £16k digital strategyRead More →
Trident gets dynamic with Goldcrest & Xmbrace
Trident Housing Association is pioneering the use of Microsoft Dynamics CRM alongside Xmbrace’s Opti-Time software to decrease costs and improve the accuracy of its repair logging. The new system is planned to be operational by September 2012, with all repairs logged, scheduled and costed in Dynamics CRM, with Xmbrace’s software providing the scheduling functionality. Goldcrest…
Trident gets dynamic with Goldcrest & XmbraceRead More →
Accent’s good call with Call-2-Survey
Accent Foundation has announced that it is piloting the Call-2-Survey tool from The Housing Contact Company to double the response rates of its repairs satisfaction surveys. Accent’s repairs satisfaction feedback service now starts with an automatic phone call the day after the repair was completed. The outcome of the call is logged to give Accent…
Accent’s good call with Call-2-SurveyRead More →
Knowsley Housing launches Homefirst app for tenants
Knowsley Housing Trust has joined the growing number of housing providers who have developed their own smartphone app. KHT says that it thinks that its Homefirst app is the first of its kind to include a function for paying rent alongside more common features such as reporting repairs and ASB incidents, accessing rent statements, and…
Knowsley Housing launches Homefirst app for tenantsRead More →