In an ideal world, it’s difficult to think of any good reason why you wouldn’t want all of your contact centre agents to be able to handle any customer requirement. The benefits are obvious – no need for an IVR to route callers to a specific team, customer service is improved as callers aren’t bounced…
Agent multi-skilling – pipedream or viable strategy to optimise customer service?Read More →
Customer Management
QuestBack cuts survey times by 70% at Metropolitan Housing
Metropolitan Housing Partnership has reduced the time spent on customer satisfaction surveys by 70 per cent following the introduction of a web-based enterprise feedback management system from QuestBack. The enterprise-level research service is being used by MHP to record and analyse customer feedback on over 10,000 general repairs carried out each year. The QuestBack software…
QuestBack cuts survey times by 70% at Metropolitan HousingRead More →
Melville exchanges with CES
Melville Housing Association has added a mutual exchange module from CES as a key part of a recent website upgrade. The CES module uses a map-based search facility to make it easier for tenants to see if there are possible ‘swap’ options in a suitable area. The module also makes it simpler for tenants to…
Melville exchanges with CESRead More →
Tenant portals – supporting your staff & your residents
Many housing providers are being turned on to the benefits of tenant portals. Allowing residents to pay rent and log repairs online can encourage the prompt resolution of issues, free up time for housing staff and aid the improvement of call-response SLAs, but has the full potential of an intelligently-deployed tenant portal been properly explored?…
Tenant portals – supporting your staff & your residentsRead More →
Coast & Country’s telecare wins national award
HomeCall, the telecare division of Coast and Country Housing, has received full marks from the telecare industry watchdog following an inspection of its services, which help vulnerable people from across the Tees Valley. The Telecare Services Association (TSA) has given HomeCall its highest accreditation for the second year running, making it the only individual provider…
Coast & Country’s telecare wins national awardRead More →
CarelineUK’s telecare deal at Plymouth Community Homes
Plymouth Community Homes has appointed CarelineUK to provide telecare response services to its 1,700 homes in the Plymouth area. Telecare devices such as emergency alarm units will let older people and those with disabilities or infirmities contact CarelineUK’s operators 24 hours a day, 365 days a year in the event of a fall, emergency or…
CarelineUK’s telecare deal at Plymouth Community HomesRead More →