Gateshead Housing Company is implementing Northgate’s Front Office citizen relationship management system after signing a five-year, £590,000 contract with the software provider. The ALMO for Gateshead Metropolitan Council plans to use Front Office to improve services to its 21,000 tenants. By continuing its existing relationship with Northgate, Gateshead Housing expects to increase the number of…
Gateshead Housing extends £590,000 Northgate partnershipRead More →
Customer Management
How social are you?
Do you know your LinkedIn from your Facebook, or how often to ‘tweet’ on Twitter? Having become well established among individual consumers, social networks are now being used by all types of commercial organisations to communicate with customers, prospects and staff. Housing Technology asked a number of housing associations how they use social media and…
How social are you?Read More →
Tristar Homes on the case with Lagan
As part of a shared services agreement with Stockton Borough Council, Tristar Homes is expecting to go live in July 2009 with an enterprise case management (ECM) system from Lagan. Based in Stockton-on-Tees and responsible for managing 10,000 of the council’s properties, Tristar receives hundreds of enquiries from tenants each day. Once the ECM system…
Tristar Homes on the case with LaganRead More →
Choice-based letting and telephony
Choice-based letting (CBL) is an updated version of the old points-based system for the management and allocation of social housing, and it invites greater participation from people eligible for social housing. This in turn means that local authorities and housing associations need to manage their housing stock more efficiently and also add more properties to…
Choice-based letting and telephonyRead More →
Mobile apps from Bluepod
Bluepod Media Worldwide has launched a Bluetooth-based mobile service for housing providers to communicate with tenants. The mobile customer communications system (MCCS) enhances tenant communications by delivering content-rich applications direct to tenants’ Bluetooth-enabled mobile phones, free of charge to both the tenant and the service supplier. The system works by installing Bluetooth transmitters around the…
Mobile apps from BluepodRead More →
Text messaging in Brent Council
London Borough of Brent Council is using a web-based text messaging system from Text Messaging Centre (TMC) to communicate with its staff and 270,000 residents. Brent Council is using the SMS system as an additional channel alongside its existing telephone, email and internet channels. Using TMC’s technology, the council is now able to deal with…
Text messaging in Brent CouncilRead More →