One of the biggest issues that 62 social housing respondents in our customer service survey said they faced in 2008 was managing the integration of new software with existing business systems. Indeed, they have every right to be worried. Organisations are under increasing pressure to update their IT systems in order to meet their operational…
The integration gameRead More →
Customer Management
Deeplake in Wales
United Welsh is using SMS and web technologies to reduce costs while improving tenant response to its choice-based letting programme. The popularity of United Welsh’s ‘Selecta Home’ programme has resulted in the waiting list growing from 3500 tenants to more than 7000 over the past two years. This significantly increased the costs and internal resources…
Deeplake in WalesRead More →
Sheffield Homes set to save £100,000 with Lagan
As part of its plans to improve efficiency and reduce the costs of providing services to its 70,000 tenants, Sheffield Homes is installing an enterprise case management system from Lagan. The new system is expected to result in annual savings of £100,000 from 2008/9 and significantly increase the number of tenant enquiries resolved during the…
Sheffield Homes set to save £100,000 with LaganRead More →
Texting tenants
Supported by Housing Technology, the Southern IT User Group visited Microsoft’s new offices in central London to see the long-awaited and recently-launched Windows Server 2008, the replacement for its 2003 version. Deeplake, one of Microsoft’s partners, demonstrated Communications Manager, a two-way text messaging platform which enables housing associations to keep in touch with tenants using…
Texting tenantsRead More →
Affinity Sutton consolidates call centres
Affinity Sutton has laid the foundations for a group-wide contact centre to support tenants in its 49,000 properties nationwide. Created through the merger of William Sutton Group and Affinity Homes Group, Affinity Sutton has eight operating companies including Broomleigh and Downland housing associations. Mike Yarde, ITU director, Affinity Sutton, said, “Throughout the mergers and acquisitions,…
Affinity Sutton consolidates call centresRead More →
Caerphilly upgrades healthcare network
Caerphilly County Borough Council has upgraded its telecare equipment and home units to ensure 21CN compatibility. Carried out by Tunstall, the upgrade ensures that the telecare systems used by the borough’s 157 grouped housing schemes and home service users are ready for BT’s migration to an IP-based network. 21CN is BT’s new digital network which…
Caerphilly upgrades healthcare networkRead More →