Welsh charity Llamau uses Housing Insight’s technology to help it reduce homelessness among young people and vulnerable women. A person may come to us during the night in an emergency and say, “I need help.” They may have found the courage to walk away from a situation of domestic abuse and they urgently need to…
24/7 care requires 24/7 technologyRead More →
Customer Management
Tips for improving care and support
Caredig, a Swansea-based housing provider whose name means ‘kind’, offers some tips for using technology in a way that keeps people and relationships at the heart of their work. Help staff transition away from pen and paper When we first started working with Housing Insight (our software consultants) three years ago, we were looking for…
Tips for improving care and supportRead More →
Improving tenants’ experience with Microsoft Customer Voice
In England, over 20 new tenant satisfaction measures (TSMs) will be used by the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) from April 2023 to gather data on how satisfied tenants are with the performance of their housing providers. The TSMs will address five primary topics, including maintenance, building safety, effective complaint handling, tenant interactions and neighbourhood…
Improving tenants’ experience with Microsoft Customer VoiceRead More →
If you build it, will they come?
You may consider the most challenging part of implementing and managing a resident portal is securing the initial funds to implement it in the first place. In reality, funding is only half the battle. Once in place, there will be a huge amount of attention on the platform as pressure grows to justify its expense…
If you build it, will they come?Read More →
Cobalt Housing takes XMReality for first-line support
XMReality is now being used by Cobalt Housing for first-line support and diagnosis for the 70,000 calls and emails the housing provider receives each year, mostly concerning repairs. Call-centre staff log each repair with Cobalt Housing’s external contractors and then use XMReality’s Remote Guidance tool to further diagnose the problems. Remote Guidance uses augmented reality…
Cobalt Housing takes XMReality for first-line supportRead More →
TSMs – Data meets engagement
Housing data often originates from fundamental processes, such as tenancies, payments and repairs. As they occur, these processes generate transactions which create lots of data that’s crucial for housing providers to collect and analyse. However, ‘big housing data’ isn’t just generated from transactions. There is also a longstanding commitment by the sector to understand how…
TSMs – Data meets engagementRead More →