The housing sector is on the cusp of something big. For years, housing providers have been collecting data. Data on the structure of properties, the nature and frequency of repairs and data on rental payments, and although this data has been very useful, until now it has done little more than tell a housing provider…
Four ways BI can improve tenant servicesRead More →
Customer Management
Digital-first, self-service and 360° views
The challenges housing providers are dealing with today provide a real impetus for becoming more technology-driven. The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) is bringing in more active consumer regulation next April (with quality of housing a key focus), yet a report from the regulator last autumn highlighted a number of risks for housing providers’ compliance….
Digital-first, self-service and 360° viewsRead More →
Overcoming digital self-service mistakes
As a supplier of digital self-service solutions, Active Housing has partnered with housing providers of all sizes across the UK. Post-pandemic, we’ve seen a flurry of housing providers embark on a range of self-service projects, such as customer portals, tenancy applications and repairs reporting. However, amid these exciting projects, we see the same mistakes hindering…
Overcoming digital self-service mistakesRead More →
Learning from history
In November 2022, the coroner concluded that the death in 2020 of two-year-old Awaab Ishak was caused by prolonged exposure to mould in the family’s home. The problem had been reported to the family’s housing provider on many occasions but no action had been taken. No doubt, this has given all of us cause for…
Learning from historyRead More →
Less innovation & more service design at RHP
Innovation is a word we hear a lot across our sector. Whether at a conference, in discussions over Twitter or in our own boardrooms, the ‘I’ word still reigns supreme. I believe that if we’re to work together to solve the housing crisis, doing things differently is key. Like most of the housing sector, RHP…
Less innovation & more service design at RHPRead More →
24/7 care requires 24/7 technology
Welsh charity Llamau uses Housing Insight’s technology to help it reduce homelessness among young people and vulnerable women. A person may come to us during the night in an emergency and say, “I need help.” They may have found the courage to walk away from a situation of domestic abuse and they urgently need to…
24/7 care requires 24/7 technologyRead More →