Netcall has launched Tenant Hub, a housing-specific case management framework combined with a self-service tenant portal. Powered by Netcall’s Liberty platform, Tenant Hub uses Liberty Create’s low-code capabilities, with integration to Liberty’s omnichannel contact centre solution. Unlike traditional CRM systems and other off-the-shelf solutions, Netcall said that its low-code platform works in tandem with housing…
Netcall’s low-code tenant platformRead More →
Customer Management
Housing apps – Browser, native or progressive?
Housing providers have long been at the forefront of mobile working and have faced many issues regarding their operatives working in the field. Coronavirus restrictions and a switch to more flexible ways of working mean that many more of the workforce will be spending more time working remotely, which poses different and, sometimes, greater challenges….
Housing apps – Browser, native or progressive?Read More →
Creating a meaningful omni-channel experience
96 per cent of people across the UK have access to the internet, and 51 million people in the UK use social media. Because digital channels are so widespread, almost every company uses them to engage with current or prospective customers, whether through Facebook, virtual assistants or WhatsApp. However, having several engagement channels can lead…
Creating a meaningful omni-channel experienceRead More →
Livv Housing’s tenant on-boarding with e-signatures
It was obvious when the pandemic struck that the way we did business was going to change forever. As an independent housing provider with 450 employees and over 13,000 properties, it was clear that digital solutions would be needed to help us adjust and do so quickly. We identified that one of the biggest challenges…
Livv Housing’s tenant on-boarding with e-signaturesRead More →
Warwickshire councils’ three-year deal with Civica
Six councils in Warwickshire are implementing Civica’s Cx Housing Assistance cloud-based software to cover their combined Home Environment & Assessment Response Team (Heart). Heart is a partnership service between Nuneaton and Bedworth, North Warwickshire, Rugby, Warwick, Stratford-on-Avon and Warwickshire councils. It provides advice and assistance to deliver disabled adaptations and home improvements, including home aids,…
Warwickshire councils’ three-year deal with CivicaRead More →
Get ready for hybrid working…
Post-pandemic, the way housing teams work and engage with tenants is set to look different. Greg Burnham, Datagraphic’s Aceni Hybrid Mail product manager, discusses some of the opportunities and challenges for IT leaders with mobile technologies and remote working. Catalyst for digital transformation When we were told in March 2020 to “work from home if…
Get ready for hybrid working…Read More →