It’s strange to think that for those born after the turn of the century, a life before the Internet will be completely unknown, and for those of us who weren’t or still remember the screeching sound of dial-up connections, it’s difficult to imagine a time where you couldn’t pay your bills online, shop at home,…
Why wi-fi in residential care mattersRead More →
Customer Management
How CRM is the new ‘core system’ for social housing
Digital enablement solutions are already delivering tangible business advantages in social housing, from enhancing customer communications and services to improving organisational efficiency and managing the impact of universal credit. The sector is starting to see real benefits from the data and intelligence it’s gathering, as more and better data is helping drive business transformation based…
How CRM is the new ‘core system’ for social housingRead More →
Ready for the next generation of telecare?
Our analysis is that the telecare market will be in considerable flux over the next five years due to: Digital switchover. Market consolidation of monitoring centres. Uncertainty regarding which of the digital telecare suppliers will be able to achieve scale. How quickly the telecare market will achieve open interoperability with health and social care data….
Ready for the next generation of telecare?Read More →
Alcuris and Radius Connect24 to deliver next-generation telecare
Alcuris and Radius Connect24 have teamed up to deliver next-generation telecare based on a proactive, data-driven preventative focus using Alcuris’s Memo Hub devices. An initial project by the two companies has already been planned with 100 families. With a focus on expanding the circle of care and prevention, the Memo Hub devices can help people…
Alcuris and Radius Connect24 to deliver next-generation telecareRead More →
Tenant empowerment starts from within
What does it mean to empower tenants today? This is one of the key questions raised by industry reports such as the Hackitt report and the Social Housing Green Paper. Those reports highlight how tenants have little power around the quality and safety of their own homes; their voices aren’t heard when it comes to…
Tenant empowerment starts from withinRead More →
Caledonia’s Appello digital telecare
Caledonia Housing has bought Appello’s digital telecare software to support its digital inclusion strategy for older people. Aiming to promote social inclusion and combat loneliness, the housing provider is introducing Appello’s Smart Living Solutions (SLS) in one of its retirement housing developments in Monifieth. Replacing an old analogue call system, Appello’s digital platform gives tenants…
Caledonia’s Appello digital telecareRead More →